May 12 – Day 1/18 of Halifax Peace Vigil in Solidarity with On to Ottawa Peace Caravan

The West Coast Caravan left Vancouver on May 12. The East Coast Peace Caravan will leave on May 25 to join them in Ottawa.

The message the Caravan carries across Canada to Parliament Hill is:  #DEMILITARIZE #DECOLONIZE #DECARBONIZE. Our goal is to raise awareness and build a strong movement that works with the interconnection of these three key issues.

Today, Mother’s Day, to mark the beginning of the 18 day trek to Ottawa we are holding the first of an 18 day vigil. By or presence we symbolically reclaim the Halifax Citadel in the name of peace and justice for all.

You are welcome to join members of Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace and friends – noon – 1pm every day of the Caravan. Meet us at the big tree at North Park St and Cogswell roundabout.