Sustain Her – music and silent auction

Join us Saturday March 5, from 6:00 – 8:30 pm for an evening of music, light snacks and a Silent Auction. Hear presentations from NS PeacemakeHers Camp participants and enjoy a performance by Sandy Greenberg, who will share her peace and feminist songs.

Where: Veith House — 3115 Veith Street, Halifax, NS

Suggested donation – $10 or pay what you can, at the door – let us know if you’re coming if you can! Funds raised from this event will support participants attending the 40th anniversary of the UN Commission on the Status o Women in New York this March, with a portion of the funds raised also to be donated to Veith House and NS Voice of Women for Peace.

Call for Silent Auction Donations – If you have items to donate to the silent auction please contact:

Sarah or
Rachele Conway


An open letter to Canada’s political leaders

Click HERE and sign our letter to Canada’s political leaders

The Canadian Voice of Women for Peace is the country’s oldest, national peace organization. We are concerned about the rise of militarism in our communities, increased arms sales overseas, and Canadian Forces’ airstrikes in the Middle East. We want Canada to Make Space for Peace and to be a leader in diplomacy, international law, nonviolence and disarmament. This election, please pledge your support for our peace priorities and after the election work with us and other civil society organizations on implementing them.
Our twelve peace priorities:

  1. Stop Canada’s bombing of Syria and Iraq and withdraw our troops from the Ukraine

  2. Open our borders to more refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq

  3. Sign and ratify the Arms Trade Treaty

  4. Cancel the $15 billion General Dynamics Canada contract to send weapons to Saudi Arabia and instead invest in a strategy for green jobs and renewable energy

  5. Stop the secretive $26 billion Canadian Surface Combatant program and instead build affordable housing and public transportation across the country

  6. Reduce military spending and redirect funds to social and environmental needs

  7. Implement the recommendations of the External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces

  8. Launch a public inquiry into Canada’s missing and murdered indigenous women and girls and create a national strategy to end gender-based violence

  9. Hold a public inquiry into Canada’s complicity in the torture of Afghan detainees

  10. Convene public consultations for a green paper on national defence and security and on the establishment of a Department of Peace

  11. Advance the United Nations’ Security Council agenda on Women, Peace & Security

  12. Show leadership in nuclear disarmament and host an international meeting on the proposed UN Nuclear Weapons Convention to abolish these weapons of mass destruction
    Click HERE and sign our letter today

VOW opposes “Mother Canada” War Monument

June 1, 2015

Re: Never Forgotten National Memorial Project

To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to our attention that a memorial commemorating Canada’s war dead is being planned for Green Cove, a scenic rocky point on the eastern coast of Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada (CBHNPC) along the Cabot Trail. This will be a 24 meter statue of “Mother Canada” along with parking and other constructed areas to accommodate visitors.

It is inappropriate for the site, as national parks are mandated to protect and preserve natural areas.  It will be built on a geologically significant area.  It will divert attention from the cultural celebration of nature, life and beauty, to the topic of war, death, and destruction.

Rather than honoring veterans, this is a misuse of money that would be better spent studying ways to create and preserve peace, and to help those current veterans who have come back alive, but broken, as well the families of those who have not come back at all.

In addition, the fact that a company that will be involved in the project has done the study shows a conflict of interest and a lack of an unbiased review of the project. The fact that corporate sponsors’ names will be displayed on the base of the statue is crass commercialism.

As a women’s peace group, we object to this government’s use of an oversized and misplaced woman’s image to tug at our heart strings, while it continues to glorify militarism and send Canadians to kill and die abroad. We are insulted that a woman who presumably represents our caring nature is actually being used for advertising. We object to the gratuitous appeal to sentimentality (“Commemorative Ring of True Patriot Love”, “With Glowing Hearts Sanctuary”), which serves to sugar-coat the reality of war. We are told again and again by those who have experienced war that it is hell, so let’s scrap the idea of a statue that makes war something to aspire to, and let’s start working on creating peace. That is what women want.


Sandy Greenberg

on behalf of Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace

Where would you put your money? Halifax votes.

Where do you think taxpayers money should go?

On the Global Day of Action on Military Spending, Halifax voted for Health & Education

Members and supporters gathered in front of the former library on Spring Garden Road to mark the 5th annual Global Day of Action on Military Spending on April 15.

With the awareness that the Canadian Government spent approximately $20 billion on the military in 2012, passersby were invited to place a quarter in a symbolic vote for where they would rather their tax dollars be spent. Here are the results, in percentage value:


32%      Health & Education
29%      Women & Children
16%      Environment
14%      Peace
8%        Arts and Culture
1%        Military

Visit the GDAMS Facebook page.