Join us Saturday, May 23 for the screening of Voice of Women: The First Thirty Years. This film documents the ground-breaking actions of a group of Canadian women to bring forth their vision of a peaceful world. In 1960, taking the name “Voice of Women”, they began a movement that helped women find the courage to speak out on political issues.
This event will be held at the newly renovated Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Road in Halifax, from 1 pm to 3 pm.
You’ll also have an opportunity to visit Peace: The Exhibition, on loan from the Canadian War Museum, expanded with Canadian VOW’s exhibit panels Building Peace, Making History.

The afternoon, hosted by VOW member and Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement Maya Eichler, will include brief comments on the work of NS VOW, including GDAMS (Global Day of Action on Military Spending), the White Poppy Campaign and the PeaceMakeHERS Camp.
Here is a short clip from the 50-minute film, produced in 1992 and directed by Cathy Reeves and Margo Pineau.