Join Us

Please join the Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace. Your membership fee helps fund our ongoing research, peace advocacy & educational projects. NSVOW membership includes email alerts, notification of events, and the opportunity to work on peace issues locally & internationally with a committed group of women (and some men!)

Thank you for helping to build a sustainable culture of peace.

Our annual membership fee is $35.00
$5 for the unwaged – or pay what you can.
$50 to be a sponsoring member.

To join online, click the “Donate” button and follow the prompts.

You will receive a receipt for your donation, but please note it is not tax deductible. If you prefer, mail a cheque to:

2898 Doug Smith Drive
Halifax, N.S.
B3L 3T7

Not sure if you’re ready to be a member, but interested in finding out more?  Sign up for our Newsletter.